RailScan - Railroad
Traffic Around Reading, PA
Approximate Train
Times Sorted By Median Time
Here are listings of the trains that passed through Reading, PA.
The average and window times are not absolute. They are based on calculations.
A column heading key is included at the end of the lists.
Number of events are indicative of relative train frequency.
Average Train Time Report For: 10/22/2023 - 10/28/2023 Sym-Dir Average Window Events Frequency
H49-W 0:01 0:57 5 TuThFr 6E4-E 0:15 0:00 1 Th M4Z-E 0:19 0:00 1 Su KH02-W 0:31 0:30 2 SuMo 64T-E 0:33 0:00 1 Sa 200-W 0:36 0:52 8 SuMoWThFrSa 254-E 0:58 0:00 1 Su 11K-W 1:15 0:56 5 MoWThFr 209-E 1:20 0:00 1 Fr 95Z-E 1:32 0:00 1 Mo 65T-W 1:40 0:00 1 Th 62W-E 1:48 0:00 1 Sa 269-W 2:00 3:36 7 SuMoTuThFrSa H44-E 2:18 1:36 5 MoWFrSa H44-W 2:25 0:00 1 Mo H68-W 2:25 2:06 4 MoTuThFr H68-E 2:30 0:58 4 SuTuThFr 39G-W 2:32 1:13 7 SuMoTuWThFrSa 22M-E 2:33 5:38 5 SuTuWFrSa H31-E 3:10 0:40 5 TuWThFr H17-W 3:21 0:00 1 Fr 65K-W 3:43 2:44 3 MoFrSa 24X-E 3:59 1:20 6 MoTuWThFrSa 28M-E 4:02 1:35 7 SuMoTuWThFrSa 289-W 4:33 0:39 7 SuMoTuWThFrSa KH05-E 5:09 0:00 1 Fr KH02-E 5:59 0:00 1 Mo ??-W 6:24 4:34 14 SuTuWThFrSa 288-E 6:32 4:03 7 SuMoTuWThFrSa 63V-W 6:37 3:11 7 SuMoTuWThFrSa KH01-W 6:38 2:27 5 SuTuWThFr 62V-E 6:39 2:56 5 MoTuWFrSa 25A-W 6:46 0:08 3 MoThFr 13Z-W 6:59 0:40 6 MoTuWThFrSa 38G-E 6:59 5:43 7 SuMoTuWThSa 18N-E 7:23 3:21 6 SuTuWThFrSa 22X-E 7:27 3:57 6 SuMoTuWFrSa KH01-E 7:54 1:47 6 SuTuWThFrSa 22V-E 7:59 1:32 2 SuTu 6K4-E 8:03 4:29 3 SuWTh 25G-W 8:04 0:00 1 Th ??-E 8:19 5:17 15 SuMoWThFrSa 65E-W 8:41 5:17 2 SuTu 63W-W 8:45 0:00 1 W H99-E 8:51 0:00 1 Mo 49A-W 8:56 0:00 1 Tu 25P-W 9:01 0:24 5 SuMoTuWSa 29G-W 9:05 3:32 5 MoTuThFrSa H47-E 9:45 0:06 4 MoTuThFr H79-E 10:59 0:00 1 W 268-E 11:06 2:07 4 SuMoFrSa 68M-E 11:07 0:00 1 Mo 261-W 11:15 0:10 3 TuFrSa 20X-E 11:19 5:56 4 MoTuWTh 30A-E 11:26 4:55 7 SuMoTuWThSa H31-W 11:41 5:49 5 MoTuWThFr 26X-E 11:46 5:18 7 SuMoTuWThSa 14Z-E 11:56 4:23 6 TuWFrSa 19G-W 13:05 3:34 8 SuMoTuWThFrSa KH03-E 13:34 0:00 1 Tu 28X-E 13:41 1:23 6 SuMoTuThFrSa 10K-E 13:47 5:14 7 MoTuWThFrSa 23G-W 14:04 5:54 9 SuMoTuWThFrSa 27P-W 14:21 5:16 7 SuMoTuWThFrSa H47-W 14:21 0:32 3 MoThFr H17-E 14:44 0:00 1 W KH03-W 15:28 0:00 1 Tu H99-W 15:35 0:00 1 Mo 11N-W 15:47 0:53 6 SuMoTuWThSa 684-W 16:17 0:00 1 W 200-E 17:21 0:16 7 SuMoTuWThFrSa 94Z-W 18:25 0:00 1 W H49-E 18:32 0:46 5 MoTuWThFr -------------------------------------------------------------
Column Heading Key:
Sym-Dir - NS train symbol and direction of travel.
B means the train made an out-and-back or "scissors" type move.
Average - Calculated average time train passes through Sinking Spring.
Window - Calculated approximate time swing (+/-) from median.
* Note that this is the "average" window, not the actual. *
Events - Number of actual samples used in the calculations.
Frequen - Days of the week the train passed through Reading.
{ RailScan Index } { Average Train Time Over 5 Year Period }