RailScan - DelVARP
Special Report Of
Trains Through Spring Street Yard Or On Reading to Philadelphia Line
Recorded Mon, Jan 20, 2003
Time Location Dir Symbol Route Yard Engine # & Notes
0111 Sinking Spring West 11A Readg-Hburg Wk 9184 0656 Sinking Spring East 30J Hburg-Phila 0726 Sinking Spring East 20E Hburg-Phila 0739 Sinking Spring East 10A Hburg-Readg Wk 6780 0743 Titus East H0R Readg-Phila Wk 5093 0755 Sinking Spring West 67Z Phila-Hburg Thr 9519 0823 Sinking Spring West H31 Readg-Hburg Wk 1001 Titus West 44A Phila-Atown Thr Wk 6782; Light Power!; Picked Up 16 Cars 1006 Belt East H47 Readg-Atown Wk 4622; To R & N And Evansville 1047 Sinking Spring East F0J Hburg-Readg Wk Prl57; 7 Cars 1221 Titus East H49 Readg-Phila Wk 5352 1240 Sinking Spring West F0J Readg-Hburg Wk Prl57; Called Out As K 0 J 1414 Laurel West H47 Atown-Readg Wk 12 Cars 1419 Sinking Spring East H31 Hburg-Readg Wk 5234 1439 Belt West HA01 Atown-Readg Wk Turned At Oley And Went Back To Allentown 1444 Belt East H90 Readg-Atown Wk 2922; 17 Cars 1504 Titus West H49 Phila-Readg Wk 1617 Sinking Spring West H31 Readg-Hburg Wk 5151 1653 Sinking Spring East W3A Hburg-Atown Thr Wk 9732; 43 Cars 2015 Belt West 45A Atown-Phila Thr Wk 9539 2032 Sinking Spring East H31 Hburg-Readg Wk 5151 2122 Belt West X5A Atown-Readg Wk 8685; Terminates At Yard; Power Back To Allentown 2223 Belt East X5A Readg-Atown Wk Light Power To Allentown 2231 Sinking Spring East 20Q Hburg-Phila Unconfirmed 2327 Sinking Spring West 21Q Phila-Hburg
Unconfirmed means "best guess" of unheard symbol.
Yard column shows if trains passed through and/or worked Spring Street (Reading) yard.
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